Monday 24 November 2008

Something to write home about...

Hello world.

This is the first excursion into the land of blogging from the team here at Artslist...normally you'll find us doing lots of theatre and exhibition listings for Greater Manchester over at the website...but that can sometimes get a little bit repetetive so we've decided to let ourselves free via blog. Please be gentle with us.

On here you can look forward to news and thoughts (and perhaps the odd review) on everything that happens in Manchester's Theatreland,visual arts scene, performance and creative networks and concert calendar. On second thoughts perhaps not everything, we'd probably have to leave our jobs to that, but certainly lots of relevant goings-on.

First thing to tell you is probably that we've got a pretty exciting offer over on the website at the moment - 10% off the shops at 8 great arts venues around Manchester. Think of it as a bit of a Christmas gift. Chinese Arts Centre, Imperial War Museum North, Manchester Museum, MOSI, The Royal Exhange Craft Shop, The Bridgewater Hall, The John Rylands Library and Urbis are all offering discounts via - you don't even have to subscribe to get the newsletters (although your life would be much enriched if you do). Imagine the joys of doing all that Christmas shopping without having to do the Market Street waltz through the madding crowds.

If you don't pick up everything you fancy from those little beauties there's also a 10% discount evening at the Manchester Craft & Design Centre this Thursday 27 November...we're pretty certain to be bobbing along and buying lots of nice things.

Over the coming weeks, months and years there'll be a variety of us posting, musing, discussing, procrastinating and probably rambling incoherently on this blog...feel free to let us know what you think and of course remember to visit for a more 'official' overview of what's on in Manchester.

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